Video announcement about the Commission meeting 23.04.2024
Address of the Head of ARMA Olena Duma
medvedchuk’s yacht arrested in Croatia - Royal Romance
Video of medvedchuk's superyacht is available here: Youtube
Date of publication of the announcement: 18.03.2024
The first competition for the sale of seized asset located abroad will be held
On March 20, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. (Kyiv time) the Ukrainian National News Agency "Ukrinform", 8/16 B. Khmelnytsky St., Kyiv, 01001, will host a meeting of the Commission for the competitive selection of legal entities engaged in the sale of seized assets.
The members of the Commission and the detailed agenda are available at this link.
The meeting will be streamed online on ARMA's YouTube channel and Ukrinform's YouTube channel.
In accordance with paragraph 6 of clause 5 of the Procedure for selecting legal entities to sell seized assets on a competitive basis, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 558 dated 09.08.2017 (as amended), the following are invited to the meeting of the Commission:
- Representatives of potential bidders, including non-resident legal entities, representatives of government agencies, media, public associations, international organizations, international technical assistance projectssubject to prior notification of participation in the meeting of the commission no later than three hours before its start. The respective representatives may also participate in the meeting of the commission via videoconference, provided that they have notified the commission of the need to participate in the meeting via videoconference at least three hours before the meeting.
Representatives of international organizations and international technical assistance projects have the right to participate in the commission's meetings in an advisory capacity.
For accreditation of Ukrainian media, please contact the contact person
Vira Miglazova,
phone + 38 (067) 358-81-97,
e-mail press@arma.gov.ua
For accreditation of foreign media, please contact
Natalia Kostynchuk (English-speaking),
phone +38 (096) 383-61-70,
e-mail n.kostynchuk@arma.gov.ua
Accreditation ends at 08:00 a.m. (Kyiv time) on 20.03.2023, according to paragraph 6 of clause 5 of the Procedure for selecting legal entities on a competitive basis for the sale of seized assets, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 09.08.2017 No. 558 (as amended).
On April 23, 2024, at 10:00 AM (Kyiv Time), the National Agency of Ukraine for finding, tracing and management of assets derived from corruption and other crimes, at 1 B. Grinchenko St., Kyiv, 01001, will hold a meeting of the Commission for the competitive selection of legal entities engaged in the sale of seized assets (hereinafter - the Commission).
The members of the Commission and the detailed agenda are available here. The meeting will be streamed online on ARMA's YouTube channel.
According to paragraph 6 of clause 5 of the Procedure for the competitive selection of legal entities engaged in the sale of seized assets, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 558 dated 09.08.2017 (as amended), invited to the Commission's meeting:
- representatives of potential participants of the competitive selection process, including non-resident legal entities, representatives of state authorities, media, public associations, international organizations, international technical assistance projects, In case of prior notification of participation in the Commission's meeting not later than 3 (three) hours before its start. The relevant representatives shall also have the right to participate in the Commission's meeting via video conference, in case of prior notification thereof not later than three (3) hours before the meeting.
Representatives of international organizations and international technical assistance projects have the right to participate in the Commission's meetings with the right of an advisory capacity.
Accreditation of media representatives by emailing press@arma.gov.ua. Please provide the following information: Full name, media title, phone number, and press card.
If you have any additional questions about the accreditation, please contact
Yulia Kvitko,
phone + 380 97 155-44-92.
For accreditation of foreign media, please contact
Natalia Kostynchuk,
phone +380 96 383-61-70.
The accreditation ends at 07:00 on April 23, 2023, in accordance with paragraph 6 of clause 5 of the Procedure for the competitive selection of legal entities engaged in the sale of seized assets, approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 558 dated 09.08.2017 (as amended).
Conducting a Contest for the sale of the yacht "ROYAL ROMANCE" is carried out on the principles of:
- Fair Contest among participants.
- Openness and transparency at all stages of the Contest and in the activities of the commission.
- Non-discrimination of Contest participants.
- Objective and unbiased assessment of submitted proposals and determination of the winner of the Contest.
- Prevention of corruption and of any manifestations of dishonesty.
The Contest for the selection of legal entities that can sell the yacht "ROYAL ROMANCE" is conducted by the Commission of a personal composition, which was approved by the ARMA decree No. 290 dated 12.22.2023, in accordance with Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine resolutions No. 558 and 719.
The head of the Commission : Grigol Katamadze
Contact person: Vladyslav Zhornytskyi
Full name (position): Head of International Development
Email: v.zhornytskyi@arma.gov.ua
Tel.: +380 44 2900858
Order from 22.12.2023. № 290 "Approval of the Commission Membership for the Compettitive Selection of Legal Entities Engaged in the Sale of Seized Assets"
Order from 16.01.2024. № 16 "On Amendments to the Commision Membership for the Compettitive Selection of Legal Entities Engaged in the Sale of Seized Assets"
The commission for the competitive selection of legal entities that implement the sale of seized assets (including assets located abroad), in accordance with the Regulations approved by the Minutes of the commission meeting dated 12.28.2023 No. 1, carries out:
- consideration of the documents submitted by the participants of the Contest and of the available information about the participants regarding compliance with the qualification criteria;
- making of a decision on clarifying the participant's documents/information;
- if there are grounds for making a decision to refuse a participant's admission to the Contest;
- review of documents provided by Contest participants;
- making of a decision to select the winner of the Contest or to recognize the Contest as not having taken place;
- making of a decision to select the winner of the contest with the second-ranked contestant;
- making of a decision to cancel the Contest;
- making of a decision to re-announce the Contest;
- making changes to this Regulation on the basis of the decision adopted by the Commission;
- other powers necessary for carrying out the work of the Commission.
Regulation on the activities of the Commission on the selection of legal entities engaged in the realization of seized assets as amended on 22.02.2024 (original information in Ukrainian)
Commission meetings are video-broadcast in real time (on-line) and audio and video recording of the meeting is provided.