
ARMA's Register of Seized Assets is recognized as critical infrastructure



The Unified State Register of Seized Assets in Criminal Proceedings (USRSA, the ARMA Register) has been included in the Register of Critical Infrastructure. The Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) is now the operator of the critical infrastructure facility as the owner of the Register.

The process of classifying the EDRAA as a critical infrastructure facility (CIF) was the result of close cooperation between ARMA and the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine (SSSCIP) and the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.

Together with experts from the State Service of Special Communications and the Ministry of Digital Transformation, a thorough work was carried out to analyze and assess the ARMA Register for compliance with the criteria of a critical infrastructure facility. After the successful completion of this stage, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, as a sectoral body, decided to designate the EDRAA as a critical infrastructure facility.

The final step was to make a corresponding entry in the Register of Critical Infrastructure Objects, which is maintained and formed by the State Special Communications Service.

“The ARMA Register is recognized as a critical infrastructure facility. This achievement of the National Agency's team, together with other bodies, imposes on us the obligation to protect this resource from threats and opens up new opportunities for dialogue with partners on its modernization. This will give impetus to the development of our information systems, especially their security. The next goal is to recognize our systems as critical information infrastructure,” said Stanislav Petrov, Deputy Head of the ARMA.

Why is it important? 

The USRSA is a crucial element of Ukraine's digital infrastructure. It is used by courts, law enforcement, anti-corruption and other government agencies to effectively manage seized assets and ensure transparency in criminal proceedings. It contains data on all assets seized in criminal cases, which is critical for fighting corruption and economic crimes. 

Currently, the EDRAA has more than 324,000 records, including 72,000 assets managed by ARMA. In 2024 ARMA's effective asset management resulted in almost 2 billion UAH in revenues to the State Budget of Ukraine. This amount demonstrates the Agency's significant contribution to the state treasury and emphasizes the importance of protecting the Register as a strategic resource.

The publicity of the Register prevents corruption risks in the management of seized assets by ensuring transparency and accountability of the processes. This allows the public and journalists to monitor the movement of seized assets, which is an important tool of public control.

Recognition of the Registry as a critical infrastructure facility implies the introduction of additional security measures and enhanced protection against cyberattacks. This guarantees the smooth operation of the system and protection of sensitive data from unauthorized access or manipulation. This status also allows attracting additional resources for the modernization and development of the Registry, which will increase its efficiency and functionality in the future.

In addition, this step contributes to strengthening international cooperation in the management of seized assets, as it increases the confidence of foreign partners in the Ukrainian system and creates the preconditions for integration with relevant international registers and databases.