
+ 748 million UAH to the budget: the result of ARMA's management of gas production at the Sakhalin field


The Assets Recovery and Management Agency  (ARMA) ensured the receipt of another tranche in the amount of 747,725,152.25 hryvnias to the State Budget of Ukraine. This became possible because the National Agency stipulated in the management contract with PJSC "UKRNAFTA" that 90% of the profit received would be paid to the state budget. It is about the management of assets that have been seized in criminal proceedings, namely: corporate rights in the authorized capital of PJSC "VC Ukrnaftoburinnia".

ARMA managed to secure income to the budget by initiating an additional order of the Government on the redistribution of 7 shares of shareholders. This is what made it possible for PJSC "UKRNAFTA" to collect shareholders and redistribute dividends faster.

"The first step has been taken. At the same time, the National Agency conducts systematic work to ensure the continuation of the management contract and the stability of revenues. In particular, regarding the renewal of the gas production process at the Sakhalin field. ARMA will not stop," Olena Duma emphasized.

The National Agency took the following steps to resume gas production at the Sakhalin field:

✅ Appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office for the purpose of protecting national interests as early as December 2023;

✅ Appealed to the National Security and Defense Council with a request to resolve the issue of gas production at the Sakhalin field;

✅ Appealed to the Supreme Court with a cassation appeal against the decision of the Sixth Administrative Court of Appeal regarding the suspension of gas production;

✅ Initiated and held working meetings with the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Environmental Policy and Nature Management, representatives of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the State Geology and Subsoil Service of Ukraine, and PrJSC "VK Ukrnaftoburinnia";

✅ ARMA was involved as a third party in the consideration of the case regarding the renewal of the gas production license at the Sakhalin field 

✅ The National Agency initiated amendments to the Code of Ukraine on the Subsoil regarding the possibility of gas extraction in the Sakhalin field without a special permit during the war in order to further ensure the same revenues to the State Budget of Ukraine.

"Already in 2024, ARMA has ensured the receipt of 1.618 billion hryvnias to the state budget.These funds are not just numbers on paper. This is 47 times more than for the entire year 2022. This is real support for our army, this is help to our citizens who have suffered from the war, this is a contribution to the reconstruction of our infrastructure. And this is only the beginning of our work," emphasized ARMA Head Olena Duma.

This amount includes, in addition to funds from asset management, 110 million hryvnias from the sale of assets, 25 million customs payments and 433 million revenue from military bonds, which ARMA purchased for 5.5 billion hryvnias (4.165 billion hryvnias and 31 million USD).