
ARMA announced the results of the competition for the selection of an evaluator of the Gulliver shopping center


According to the results of the competitive selection of subjects of evaluation activities regarding the evaluation of the trade and office complex, the winner of the competition was chosen from among four applicants, PE "Biznes-konsaltynh". The second place was taken by LLC "Ostriv".

On July 29, the Asset Recovery and Management Agency announced the contest for the selection of an appraiser for the Gulliver Shopping Center. Acceptance of documents for potential evaluators continued until August 12, 2024. At the same time, the National Agency continues the process of reviewing the asset, despite the opposition of the owners.

After carrying out an independent assessment of the asset, ARMA will announce a tender for the selection of the manager of the Gulliver shopping center. Anyone who wants to can take part in it and compete for the opportunity to manage one of the largest shopping malls in the capital. Eligibility requirements for applicants will be announced later.