
ARMA sells 494 land plots in Transcarpathia: the Competition Commission announced the name of the winner



We will remind, on June 11, it was announced the beginning of the competitive selection for the selection of a legal entity that will sell 494 land plots, which were seized by the decision of the High Anti-Corruption Court as part of criminal proceedings. In particular, we are talking about 494 plots of land, the lower station with the chairlift and the upper station of the ski lift, located in the Mukachevo and Khust districts of the Zakarpattia region. The total area of ​​the asset is 463,0735 hectares.

Applications for participation in the competition were received from four applicants. Depending on the experience in the market for the sale of seized assets and compliance with the announced criteria, the Commission for Sale of Seized Assets chose the winner among: LLC "Polonex", LLC "Ukrenergokonsalt", LLC "Tender Online" and LLC "Y.Biz".

During the regular meeting of the tender Commission, the winner was chosen -
LLC "Polonex". In the case of his refusal to realize the asset, the right to realize it will be transferred to the participant who won the second place in the competition - "U.Biz" LLC.

The selected auction organizer will be responsible for conducting auctions on the Prozorro.Sales platform. This will ensure a transparent and competitive process of selling seized property.

We would like to remind you that earlier the selection of legal entities, which implement the sale of seized property, took place manually and in closed mode. This did not result in the transparency of the process and corruption risks. Starting from the second half of 2023, ARMA began to transform all processes related to the management and sale of assets. In particular, the Commission for Realization of Seized Assets was formed. It is formed from representatives of ARMA, the Public Council under ARMA and officials of other state bodies. All meetings of the Commission are broadcast online on the ARMA YouTube channel.


The online broadcast of the Commission meeting from 07/04/2024 can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soqHk6A34DU .