The organizer of the auction for the seized russian oil tanker Nika Spirit has beenselected. The winner is LLC «U.BIZ». The decision was made on January 7 following a meeting of the Tender Commission for the Sale of Seized Assets.
As a next step, the selected seller will provide an independent appraisal of the russiantanker. Once the valuation is completed, the asset will be put up for sale through theProzorro.Prodazhi electronic system. This will ensure maximum transparency andcompetitiveness of the sale process.
The tanker Nika Spirit (formerly Neyma) was arrested in July 2019 in the port ofIzmail. By a court decision, this asset was subsequently transferred to ARMA formanagement. The vessel itself is designed to transport oil products.
Given the need to promptly fill the state budget during the war, ARMA decided tofocus on the sale of such expensive assets rather than searching for managers forthem. It is worth noting that systematic work was carried out with the Ministry ofReconstruction and the Shipping Administration, which resulted in a joint statementto the NSDCU.
Similar questions about the expediency of selling rather than managing ships arealready in the legal field of the NSDC Office. And the more such court decisions thestate receives, the more Ukraine's budget will be filled.
As of now, the National Agency has received a decision of the Dniprovskyi DistrictCourt of Kyiv dated November 4, 2024 on the sale of the Russian tanker Nika Spiritand immediately started the process of its implementation.
So: the example of the sale of the Russian tanker is a significant precedent.
Firstly, ARMA is implementing the court decision, following transparent competitiveprocedures on Prozoro.Prodazhi.
Secondly: ARMA is now able to change its mode of operation from management toimplementation, which will bring in budget revenues and enemy funds will workagainst the enemy.
And thirdly: ARMA is actually selling a sanctioned asset, representatives of theaggressor state have not received any court decisions on “nationalization” orprohibition of sale by the National Agency.
Therefore, there should be no double standards and approaches in the state. Seizedassets within the framework of criminal proceedings (simultaneously sanctioned) should work for the Ukrainian defense forces.
The enemy's weapon will be a weapon against the enemy.

14-03-2025 News