
ARMA sold 5.5 million hryvnias of Russian agrochemicals illegally imported into Ukraine


The Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) sold more than 35,500 liters of russian-made agrochemicals. The total amount of sales, including customs payments, amounted to almost 5.5 million hryvnias. These funds will be directed to the State Budget of Ukraine and to the purchase of Military Bonds.

Realization of these assets was the result of long-term work of ARMA. The first sales attempts were not successful due to the lack of bidders, which was due to the peculiarities of the market and the specifics of the assets themselves.

An additional complication was created by the fact that the expiration date of some agrochemicals expires already on August 31, 2024. This required ARMA to act quickly and effectively to avoid loss of asset value.

Despite these obstacles, ARMA has been able to adapt its approach to the realization of such seized assets. The key moment was the approval by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on November 14, 2023 of the new resolution No. 1250, which normalized the conduct of online auctions. The national agency conducted thorough preparation, including an independent assessment of assets and the selection of an effective auction organizer. This made it possible to successfully conduct electronic auctions using the Dutch auction method through the Prozorro.Prodazhi system.

Note that if the asset was not realized, it would have to be disposed of. The national agency sent official letters to companies engaged in disposal and received information that the disposal of these herbicides would cost the state almost 3 million hryvnias. This means that the sale of agrochemicals through the "Prozorro.Prodazhi" system not only helped to avoid significant costs, but also brought additional income to the state.