
ARMA traces assets of current MP and person from TOP-100 richest entrepreneurs of Ukraine


Kyiv, November 13, 2023

At the request of the Bureau of Economic Security (BES), the ARMA found assets of two individuals involved in the illegal activities of Ukrainian business entities on a particularly large scale.

The pre-trial investigation established that one of the MPs of the IX convocation, in collusion with officials of business entities and a person included in the list of the TOP-100 richest businessmen in Ukraine, set up an illegal scheme for personal enrichment of the persons involved in the criminal proceedings.

The above-mentioned persons, abusing their official position, through the conclusion of fictitious contracts for the supply of products and the provision of services, committed actions that led to the embezzlement of property and tax evasion in particularly large scale.

“By processing the request using the information and reference systems, registers and databases, ARMA officers collected and analyzed information on the beneficial owners and controlled persons, as well as availability of other assets in their possession,”
the Deputy Head of ARMA Pavlo VELYKORECHANIN has commented.

ARMA’s Asset Finding and Tracing Department found the following:

- shares in the authorized capital totalling UAH 27 777 925;

- residential real estate with an area of more than 400 sq. m;

- expensive weapons (foreign carbines and rifles) - 6 units;

- intellectual property rights - 1.

ARMA forwarded the results of the investigation to the Bureau of Economic Security for appropriate measures, including the seizure of assets and their subsequent confiscation to the state.