On Thursday, October 17, the High Anti-Corruption Court lifted the seizure from the real estate of the former private residence of fugitive President Viktor Yanukovych "Mezhihirya".
The head of the Assets Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) Olena Duma noted: "The contract for the management of movable property transferred to ARMA for management remains valid. The state institution "Mezhihirya continues to manage this asset, providing capital income to the state budget.
It is important to note that the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court (ACС) canceled the seizure only of immovable property. This decision does not affect the status of movable property, which remains under the management of state institutions in accordance with the Management Agreement signed with ARMA.
As previously reported, the transfer to the state administration was ensured by the order of the Government, at the initiative of ARMA and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources.