The results and capabilities of the Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) in replenishing the State Budget ofUkraine with revenues from the management of seized assets were discussed by the Head of ARMA, Olena Duma, and the IMF Resident Representative in Ukraine, Priscilla Toffano.
During the meeting, the Head of ARMA presented the results ofthe National Agency's activities for the year. In particular, the total result from the management of seized assets reached UAH 12 billion. Of this amount, UAH 8 billion was allocated to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine through the purchase of military bonds. In addition, cash management brought a net income of UAH 1 billion to the state budget.
“Special attention was paid to strengthening the Ukrainian economy through the effective work of ARMA. Having found USD 100 billion worth of assets abroad, we understand that these assets can become a global resource for filling the state budget and strengthening many areas of the Ukrainian economy. By effectively utilizing these resources, transferring them to ARMA and legalizing court decisions abroad, we are able todemonstrate to international partners Ukraine's ability to strengthen its economy, including on its own,” said Olena Duma.
It is important to note the rapid growth of the Agency'sefficiency. If in 2022 ARMA brought only UAH 34 million tothe state budget, today's figures show a huge increase inrevenues.
A separate point of discussion was the legislative initiatives of the ARMA. To that end, ARMA management presented the draft law No. 10069, aimed at unblocking corporate rights management, and draft law No. 11009, which provides for thepossibility of using seized sanatoriums for the rehabilitation of Ukrainian soldiers. The parties also discussed the importance of the draft law developed by the ARMA to further transform the agency within the framework of the Ukraine Facility Plan.
The adoption of these legislative initiatives will help strengthen the Agency's institutional capacity, which will significantly increase state budget revenues - a particularly important aspect in the current environment.

14-03-2025 News