
First results of ARMA staff certification


Today, in preparation for the implementation of the Ukraine Facility Plan, employees of the Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) took part in a voluntary professional certification for knowledge of special legislation. The test was held with the assistance of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service (NACS) at the Higher School of Public Administration.

On the first day, 45 employees of the National Agency, including the Head of ARMA and her deputies, took the test. It is especially important to note that the Agency's management, together with its employees, demonstrates team unity and readiness for professional growth.

The results of the first day of testing demonstrate the high level of professionalism of ARMA staff. In particular, 37 test participants (82%) received more than 30 points, of which 5 people demonstrated a maximum score of 40 points. The rest of the participants also successfully overcame the passing score.

Testing of the remaining ARMA employees is ahead. Such a comprehensive approach to assessing the knowledge of all employees emphasizes the Agency's commitment to continuous professional development and adherence to the highest standards of integrity and professionalism in its work.

Conducting an open performance appraisal is an important step in ensuring the transparency of ARMA's work and demonstrates the willingness of employees to continuously improve their professional competencies. It also serves as an example for other central executive authorities to implement best practices in the professional development of civil servants.

ARMA continues to move towards improving its performance and strengthening its institutional capacity, which is critical for the successful implementation of the Ukraine Facility Plan.