
ARMA announces the selection process for the manager of the strategic object for the Ukrainian economy - Ovruch Stone Crushing Plant


Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) takes measures to preserve investment attractiveness of Ovruch Stone Crushing Plant transferred into management. 

ARMA appealed to the Government and all parties involved in resolving the issue of reopening the quarry and maintaining its investment attractiveness. In particular, about

- resolving the issue and preventing the flooding of the strategically important facility, about which we informed Ukrinterenergo by letter

- preservation of the company and resumption of its operations were discussed during working meetings with the regional military administration, the head of the city council, and the workforce.

We emphasise that despite the debt and partial flooding of the quarry, the company retains its investment appeal for future managers.

Thus, the company has a valid special permission until 2036 to extract red granite, one of the most durable building materials that is actively used in industrial, hydraulic, civil and private construction. This fact remains important given the need for materials to rebuild the country, which has suffered significant damage as a result of russian aggression. 

The competitive selection process for the manager is currently underway, and the National Agency is ready to do everything possible to ensure that the locals are employed amid the war and that the strategically important enterprise operates and provides sustainable revenues to the State Budget of Ukraine. 

The National Agency aims to preserve the seized asset and enable it to resume its business activities and full functioning. The winner - the new manager will receive assistance in restoring the company's operations to make it profitable and ensure future budget revenues.