
ARMA sells almost 13 thousand tons of potassium chloride: 29 tenders already on Prozorro.Prodazhi


Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) announces the beginning of the sale of seized property - potassium chloride with a total weight of almost 12,847 tons. 29 auctions are already available on the Prozorro. Prodazhi platform. Anyone can participate in the auction, except for persons associated with the aggressor state.

We are talking about belarusian wagons with potassium, which russian entrepreneurs brought to Ukraine and at the same time did not pay taxes. As a result, the state suffered losses. These assets were seized as part of a criminal proceeding, which is being investigated by the Bureau of Economic Security and under the procedural support of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

By the decisions of the Shevchenkiv District Court of the city of Kyiv, the arrested potassium chloride, which was in these railway cars, was handed over to ARMA for sale. Currently, cars with potassium are at railway stations of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia".

To ensure the effective sale of assets, ARMA decided to divide the total volume of potassium chloride into smaller lots of 455 tons each. This structuring will allow attracting a larger number of potential auction participants, which will contribute to an increase in the final sale price.

The competition commission for the sale of seized assets announced a competition, at which the winner - LLC "POLONEX" was chosen. ARMA concluded two contracts with him to organize the sale of seized assets. In particular, these contracts provide that the implementer must ensure the valuation of these assets.

Independent assessment of the seized property, which is carried out in accordance with the rules of Prozorro.Prodazhi, confirmed the market value of potassium chloride (12,847 tons), therefore, the estimated market value of the assets is 12,856.67 hryvnias per ton. Currently, the starting price of the sale of assets on the electronic auction is 17,015.99 hryvnias per ton, including customs payments. For its part, the State Customs Service of Ukraine provided the calculation of customs payments, which amount to 4,159.32 hryvnias per ton.

Previously, part of these assets had already been sold, but without payment of customs payments. On September 14, 2022, an act was drawn up on the sale of potassium chloride with a total weight of 2,206 tons, which was stored in 32 wagons. At that time, they were sold for 38,913,821 hryvnias, and the winner of the auction was "Primorska Energy Generating Company" LLC. 

Since the end of June this year, after changes to the Procedure for the sale of seized assets on electronic auctions initiated by the Agency, the assets that ARMA receives for management in the customs territory of Ukraine and for which customs payments have not been paid or they were imported illegally, must be sold taking into account the amounts customs payments. This was done so that the state would receive guaranteed revenues to the budget, regardless of the final sale prices at auctions.

We remind you that in accordance with Part 4 of Article 21 of the Law "National Agency of Ukraine for Finding, Tracing and Management of Assets Derived from Corruption and other Crimes", movable property can be transferred for sale without the owner's consent by decision of an investigating judge, a court if such property is subject to rapid deterioration, quickly loses its value, or if the cost of storing movable property during one calendar year is more than 50% of its value.

Read more about the bidding process here.