Pursuant to a request from the State Bureau of Investigation, the National Agency found and traced the assets of Lviv businessman Ihor Hrynkevych and persons associated with his illegal activities.
Officials and beneficiaries of the controlled limited liability companies and a number of other business entities acted in collusion with officials of the Ministry of Defence. During the martial law, they abused their official position and entered into contracts with the said authority for the supply of goods for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (personal protective equipment and food) with 100% prepayment, but without the intention of their full and proper fulfilment.
Thus, Ihor Hrynkevych and his accomplices are accused of misappropriation of budget funds in a particularly large scale.
60% of the budget funds that the legal entities controlled by the defendant received from the Ministry of Defence were withdrawn in favour of other affiliated companies (most often, transactions were carried out to provide or return financial assistance). The companies conducted risky (non-commodity) financial transactions.
The remaining 40 per cent of the funds were transferred to accounts of Turkish clothing manufacturers in the Republic of Turkey to ensure the fulfilment of state contracts.
ARMA employees collected and analysed information on the beneficial owners and controlled persons, as well as on the assets they owned. The Agency has identified and traced the following Ukrainian assets of the defendants:
residential property - 17 (including 3 apartments owned by Svitlana, the wife of Ihor Hrynkevych; 1 Lviv apartment owned by Yaryna Hrynkevych; 1 Lviv apartment owned by Marian Shved and 2 apartments owned by Sofia Morozyuk)
non-residential property - 7 (including non-residential premises on Saksahanskoho Street in the centre of the capital)
land plots - 18 (including significant plots in Lytvynivska village council of Vyshhorod district of Kyiv region owned by Ihor Hrynkevych and his son Roman Hrynkevych)
premium cars - 9
shares in the authorised capital - UAH 14,731,625
weapons - 12
intellectual property rights - 3.
According to Pavlo Velykorechanin, Deputy Head of the ARMA, the National Agency has established that the suspects have bank accounts in more than 8 institutions. Therefore, ARMA initiated measures to obtain information on the availability of funds and transactions on the accounts. The agency forwarded the data received in an extremely short time and in full to the State Bureau of Investigation for the seizure of assets and their future possible confiscation.

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