
ARMA on "Vinnytsiapobutkhim": the asset will be preserved until the end of the nationalization process


After the decision of VAKS on the nationalization of a private joint-stock company with russian roots, the National Agency appealed to the Cabinet of Ministers to support ARMA's initiative to continue asset management for the manager, which already provides steady income to the State Budget of Ukraine.

We are talking about one of the most investment-attractive enterprises in the Vinnytsia region - PrJSC "Vinnytsiapobuthim".

In 2023, ARMA carried out monitoring and control over the current managers of seized assets, and effective results were immediately ensured. Thus, the total amount of income from LLC "Crytex-Service" (manager) in the first half of 2023 amounted to only 750,000 hryvnias, but already in August, 7.5 million hryvnias were received from the state budget for one month of management.

"This "shadow hole" is an example of corruption risks that existed before. Today, many such high-profile cases are a "litmus" in ordering criticism against the National Agency either from former owners or those whom the agency does not allow to earn in the shadows and directs these funds to the state," said ARMA Head Olena Duma.

The issues regarding the further filling of the budget were discussed at a working meeting at the National Agency by representatives of the manager LLP "Crytex-Service".

Topics related to problems with the sale of products, the purchase of raw materials from foreign partners and the rapid increase in prices for raw materials are acute.

Until the moment of nationalization, ARMA will ensure the preservation of material evidence and take measures for effective management, including ensuring:

  • Inspections and monitoring of the manager's activities;
  • reconciliation of data of DPA and other authorities;
  • will check purchases of raw materials abroad and at inflated prices, which affects the price of manufactured products and payments to the budget under the contract

"In the event of non-compliance with the terms of the contract, the National Agency will be forced to consider the issue so that such "shadow holes" do not exist," Olena Duma summarized.