
ARMA and KNEU are expanding their professional cooperation: Anti-corruption education among key ones


The Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) and the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (KNEU) are expanding their cooperation in the field of training of professional staff and expertise of legal acts in the field of tracing and management of seized assets.

During the meeting between the Head of ARMA Olena Duma and KNEU scientists, they discussed updating the existing Memorandum between the National Agency and the University. This will strengthen the practical component of educational programs, in particular through the development of specialized training courses, the involvement of ARMA practitioners in teaching activities and the creation of unique educational modules on asset tracing and management.

An important area of cooperation will also be the scientific expertise of legal acts and the involvement of the academic community in improving legislation in the field ofasset recovery and management.

The Head of ARMA, Olena Duma, emphasized the importance of systematic and consistent work on training new personnel capable of effectively countering corruption challenges.

It should be reminded that ARMA also cooperates under signed agreements with the National Academy of Internal Affairs (NAAU), the State University of Trade and Economics (DTEK) and the State Postgraduate Education Institution “Academy of Financial Monitoring”.