
ARMA uncovers scheme to legalize UAH 23 million through supply of goods to occupied territories


The Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) jointly with the SSU and the Prosecutor's Office exposed an organized group that carried out illegal economic activities in cooperation with the aggressor state and legalized funds through digital assets.

According to the investigation, the offenders set up a scheme to supply consumer goods to the temporarily occupied territories of Luhansk region. The goods were purchased on the territory controlled by Ukraine, after which they were transported to Russia through European countries and Belarus, and from there to the occupied territories.

In the temporarily occupied territory, one of the group members, registered as an individual entrepreneur with the illegal occupation authorities, sold the goods through a network of his own stores.

With the assistance of the ARMA, a mechanism for legalizing the proceeds was established - the group members converted them into digital assets and cashed them in Kyiv. The total amount of legalized funds exceeded 23 million UAH.

“ARMA's asset tracing capabilities are not limited to identifying assets around the world. Our specialists help law enforcement officers uncover the most daring schemes of criminals, including those who cooperate with the aggressor state. Everyone who commits crimes against Ukraine must bear economic responsibility for their actions,” emphasized Pavlo Velykorechanin, Deputy Head of the ARMA.

The pre-trial investigation is now complete. The organizer and his accomplices were served a notice of suspicion under Part 3 Art. 28, Part 4 Art. 111-1 (collaboration) and Part 3 Art. 209 (legalization of the proceeds of crime) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The indictments were sent to court.