An important issue during the sale of this lot was the problem of its proper storage and timely sale, as it has specific storage conditions and a certain shelf life (perishable). Therefore, due to the joint efforts of ARMA and SSU, the mineral fertilizers were provided with the necessary conditions for transportation and storage until the moment of sale.
In addition, the issue of the relevance of its implementation before the start of the sowing season in Ukraine was equally important. Thus, on April 12, ARMA tender committee announced the start of the sale of mineral fertilizers (urea-ammonia mixture). However, on April 22, the National Agency stopped the auction on Prozorro.Sale to confirm that all the conditions of the tender were complied with and that the price offer was relevant.
ARMA initiated a chemical analysis of these mineral fertilizers, which confirmed that the samples of liquid fertilizer complied with the quality standards and the price offer. After verifying all the data on price and quality, the lot was sold for UAH 32,068,872.67.
In addition, for the first time, due to the initiated legislative changes, ARMA ensured payment to the state budget of UAH 15,432,935.91 in customs duties from the sale of seized property.
An independent valuation of the next asset, granulated urea with a total weight of 2.9 tons, is being completed and will be put up for sale on Prozorro.Sale in the near future.
04-02-2025 News
АРМА та КНЕУ розширюють напрями професійної співпраці: Серед ключового — антикорупційна освіта
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