By its decision of 23.01.2025, the ARMA rejected the candidacy of the first participant of the tender for the selection of the manager of the Gulliver shoppingcenter - LLC “BC ”Millennium.”
The basis for this decision was a number of violations, including the fact that the head of the participant held the position of a civil servant along with commercial activities.
Based on the revealed facts of violation of the oath of a civil servant and illegal conduct of economic (commercial) activities by a civil servant, ARMA filed appropriate appeals to the National Police of Ukraine and the State Tax Service of Ukraine.
In its turn, the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, having considered the complaint of LLC “BC ‘MILLENIUM’, confirmed the legality of the ARMA's decision and dismissed the complaint.
The AMCU's decision once again confirms that ARMA conducted the tender for the receiver in strict compliance with the requirements of the law and open procedures, and that the Agency's actions are aimed at effective management of seized assets.
This decision once again demonstrates that ARMA acts transparently and in accordance with the law, ensuring competitive conditions for attracting professional managers of seized property. The Agency will continue to fulfill its obligations to safeguard the assets transferred to ARMA's management, as well as provide significant revenues to the state budget under martial law.

12-03-2025 News
Працівники Північно-східного МТУ пройшли навчання з мінної безпеки від ГУ ДСНС у Харківській області

12-03-2025 Events