Since the beginning of 2019, 24,924,770.75 UAH were received by ARMA from sale of seized assets. Funds from the sale were placed on the deposit account of ARMA in the state-owned bank and interest is charged on the funds for the bank using them.
"If the owners of seized assets are found guilty or within a criminal proceeding it is proved that the assets were derived from criminal activity, then the proceeds from their sale are subject to confiscation and shall be transferred to the state budget. If the owners of seized assets are justified, then the money shall be returned with interest", - said the Head of the asset management Department Vitaliy Riznyk.
For the record, in 2017 for the first time revenue from the sale of seized assets was placed on ARMA's accounts with state-owned banks - UAH 2 492 637.86 and in 2018 - UAH 3 116 555.86. For these funds, which were also placed on deposit accounts with state-owned banks, in 2018 interest for UAH 519 021.98 was accrued.
Let us remind that the institute for sale of assets seized in the criminal proceedings successfully operates in many countries of the world, provided for by a number of international acts and its introduction in Ukraine (through the adoption of the Special law) was provided for by a number of international obligations of Ukraine.
26-12-2024 News