
The Procedure for interaction between the National Agency and the National Police in the course of performance of asset management activities has come into force


Today, on August 21, the joint order between the National Agency of Ukraine on Finding, Tracing and Management of Assets, Derived from Corruption and Other Crimes and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine "On Approval of the Procedure for the interaction between the National Agency of Ukraine on Finding, Tracing and Management of Assets, Derived from Corruption and Other Crimes and the National Police of Ukraine while performing management activities of assets seized in criminal proceedings", registered in Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on August, 01, 2018 under № 895/32347.

The Procedure determines the mechanism of interaction between the National Agency and the National Police in the course of the National Agency's management activities of assets seized in criminal proceedings, in order to ensure public security and order.

In particular, the document stipulates that the involvement of employees of the National Police will take place if there are reasonable grounds to believe that there is a threat to life and health of individuals and public safety during the performance of the National Agency’s asset management actions, namely:

- acceptance of assets into management, including access to premises, to documents, the possibility of actual ownership of the asset;

- transfer of assets which are under the management of the National Agency to the manager under the management agreement, and to legal entities carrying out the disposal of seized assets at public tenders (auctions) or electronic auctions, or to other persons providing services to the National Agency, performing works related to asset management activities;

- the need to ensure access to assets by officials and staff of the National Agency, evaluators and other persons providing services to the National Agency, performing works related to asset management activities;

- other asset management activities provided for by the Special Law.