
Pavlo Velykorechanin presented ARMA's practice of managing sanctioned assets


Deputy Head of ARMA took part in the session "Confiscation Mechanism of Ukraine and HACC Practice: Efficiency of State Policy". The event was supported by the International Renaissance Foundation and the Ukrainian Bar Association. Representatives of the Dnistriansky Centre, Transparency International Ukraine, the Institute of Legislative Ideas and state authorities of Ukraine also took part in the event. 

Pavlo Velykorechanin presented high-profile cases handled by ARMA staff, including:

  • Transfer of corporate rights and property of JSC "NASOSENERGOMASH Pump & Power Engineering Works" into the state ownership;
  • Renewal of the licence for gas production at the Sakhalin field. The court's decision on this issue is expected on June 20;
  • Transfer of the seized property of viktor yanukovych's Mezhyhirya Residence to the State Institution "State Institution Park-Monument "Mezhyhirya".

He also talked about problematic issues that require legislative changes. As an example, it was mentioned a number of cases with the dual status of property seized in criminal proceedings and at the same time recovered by the HACC decision for the benefit of the state. 

"This issue needs to be regulated at the legislative level and the provisions of the CPC and the Law of Ukraine on Sanctions need to be harmonised," said the Deputy Head of ARMA.

Pavlo Velykorechanin also highlighted ARMA's legislative initiatives to recover the assets of sanctioned persons for the benefit of the state:

"ARMA has proposed to amend the legislation to regulate the mechanism of recovery of sanctioned persons' assets to the state revenue based on a court decision. This will allow to bypass the complicated and time-consuming procedure of transferring funds to the state budget."

Additionally, in his words, ARMA should sell the sanctioned assets, as they were all seized in criminal proceedings.

"Since the National Agency has already inspected and evaluated the asset, it has all the information and there is no need to repeat all these procedures. In addition, the procedures of ARMA for the sale of assets are simpler than those of the FUND, and the proceeds from the sale can be used to purchase military bonds in order to strengthen the capabilities of our Armed Forces," said Deputy Head of ARMA.