On Auguest 9, 2017, Government's Resolution On Selection on competitive basis of Legal Entities carried out disposal of seized assets was adopted. Resolution was developed in order to implement the provision of Law of Ukraine "On National Agency of Ukraine on finding, tracing and management of assets derived from corruption and other crimes" .
Resolution stipulates the procedure of selection on competetive base of legal entities, that will carry out disposal of assets seized in criminal proceedings. This will allow the National Agency to select the implementer (legal entity) in accordance with the transparent terms of the legislation on public procurement.
The Government's Resolution will come into force on the day of publishings
The National Agency, in accordance with a special law, manages movable and immovable property, securities, property and other rights through the disposal of the relevant assets or transfer them to management on the basis of a court decision.
The implementation of assets worth over 10 thousand minimum wages will be carried out by legal entities determined on a competitive basis, on the basis of a decision of the National Agency, in agreement with the specially created interagency commission.
The implementation of these assets will be carried out at public auctions (auctions) and / or electronic tenders in accordance with the procedure established by the lelislation on public procurement.
10-02-2025 News