
Realization of seized assets abroad: ARMA Deputy Head Stanislav Petrov meets with Chargé d'Affaires of Ukraine in the Kingdom of the Netherlands


During his working visit to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, ARMA Deputy HeadStanislav Petrov met with Charge d'Affaires of Ukraine Anatoliy Soloviy.

Stanislav Petrov presented the key areas of ARMA's work, in particular in the field oftracing and management of seized assets, mechanisms for their furtherimplementation in Ukraine and abroad, as well as plans for further modernization ofthe Seized Assets Register.

Particular attention was paid to the issue of seized assets abroad traced by the ARMA and the prospects for their further realization. In particular, the possibilities ofcooperation with the relevant Dutch institutions were discussed.

“ARMA has developed the Procedure for the Sale of Seized Assets Abroad, a practical tool that can fill the State Budget of Ukraine, which is especially importantin times of war. Together, working with our partners, we can make criminal andillegally transferred assets work for the economy and defense of our country,” saidStanislav Petrov.

Chargé d'Affaires of Ukraine in the Kingdom of the Netherlands Anatoliy Soloveynoted the achievements of ARMA over the past year and expressed support for theAgency's initiatives to establish cooperation with Dutch institutions. The diplomatalso shared the Dutch experience in the functioning of the country's law enforcementsystem in the field of financial investigations and combating financial crimes.