
За ініціативи АРМА та Укрнафта АМКУ надав дозвіл на концентрацію для управління арештованими російськими АЗС ТОВ “ТАТНЄФТЬ-АЗС-Україна”


At the initiative of ARMA and Ukrnaft, ACU granted permission for concentration to manage seized russian GS LLC to «TATNEFT-GS-Ukraine»


At the initiative of ARMA and Ukrnaft, ACU granted permission for concentration to manage seized russian LLC GS «TATNEFT-GS-Ukraine»

These companies were arrested as part of the criminal proceedings, later - in July - by the decision of the Shevchenkiv District Court of Kyiv, they were transferred to the ARMA administration.

From now on, PJSC "Ukrnafta" will have the legal basis to manage the network of LLC GS "TATNEFT-GS-Ukraine". In general, in addition to movable and immovable property, we are talking about 115 gas stations.

Earlier, the Head of ARMA Olena Duma spoke about the fact that after signing the contract, Ukrnafta undertakes to increase the efficiency of gas stations, which will increase the flow of funds to the state budget, as well as ensure the preservation of assets. ARMA, for its part, will monitor the effectiveness of the management of these assets

At the beginning of May, ARMA and PJSC "Ukrnafta" applied to the ACU for permission to concentrate to manage the seized russian LLC GS "TATNEFT-GS-Ukraine".