The National Agency continues the work started to identify law violations, including those in previous periods of management.
In particular, over the previous month, ARMA issued 4 Orders in relation to the identified violations of the manager of Rezidential Complex Vozdvizhenka Limited Liability Company. Based on the results of partial compliance, the manager has already returned almost UAH 10 million from his own bank account. In the near future, it is expected that the guilty Manager's employees will be brought to disciplinary responsibility for violating the requirements of the law and management agreements.
Today, some of the violations regarding the illegal use of funds for personal benefit have been answered with April Fools' Day explanations. However, ARMA is not a body to be trifled with, so every joker will be given due "applause". It should be understood that confusing your own cards with the company's card is one thing, but creating documents in the past tense in an attempt to avoid legal responsibility is an offence for which you will be held liable not only under the management agreement, but also under the law.
First, the explanations of the guilty manager dated March 13, 2024 were submitted to ARMA, and later, after receiving another Order, in an attempt to prove that the violation was discovered in February, they submitted additional explanations dated February 8, 2024, but the April Fools' Day miracle is that the employee refers to his own explanations dated March 13, 2024, i.e. refers to a document that will be created more than a month later. All of this is signed by the director of Residential Complex Vozdvyzhenka LLC. Therefore, ARMA will properly analyse them and inform about the results and conclusions.
07-01-2025 News