
The list of companies that can manage seized assets was increased


Management of seized assets, in accordance with part three of Article 21 of the Special Law, is carried out on terms of efficiency, as well as preservation and increase of their value. The manager, in the understanding of the institution of management of seized property, is a company that has a successful business experience in a particular market of goods, works and services, a good reputation, functions legally, and is able to offer such a model of management of seized property, which will allow for a reasonable income.

The National Agency selects managers by competition in accordance with the procedure established by the law on public procurement. At the first stage of selection process the companies are invited to cooperate in management of property of a certain type and must confirm that they have sufficient operational capacity, experience and ability to manage specific property. Companies must also demonstrate their willingness to assume certain obligations in the event that property is transferred to them into management in future (in particular, to insure such property and their professional responsibility), to prove the formedness of the authorized capital, to confirm the financial capacity and absence of debts to the budget, etc. If companies meet certain criteria, they will be included by the National Agency's Tender Committee in the List of Persons who can potentially manage the property of a particular type. The corresponding List has been published on the website of the National Agency.

As of today, the Tender Committee of the National Agency, on the basis of the results of the applications review, has included 19 companies in the List of Persons who can potentially manage the property of a particular type. "These companies have the prerequisites, opportunities and potential to manage the following types of assets: office property, residential real estate, commercial real estate, warehouse real estate, multi-functional real estate, land plots at different stages of project implementation, railway transport", - said the Head of the asset management Department Vitaliy Riznyk.

In case of transfer of a certain type of seized assets into management of the National Agency, the Agency will offer legal entities that are included in the abovementioned List to participate in the competitive selection of the manager of this type of property.