
ARMA is strengthening its work with international partners, shaping the way to international anti-corruption standards


Today globalized world, corruption is becoming increasingly transnational in nature. Assets acquired through crime are often moved across borders, making it difficult to return them and use them in the interests of the state. That is why international cooperation in the fight against corruption and asset recovery is extremely necessary.

A successful fight against transnational corruption requires coordination of efforts at the international level. ARMA is actively working on the implementation of international standards and best practices in the field of asset management.

ARMA, as a key body of Ukraine in this field, actively develops international partnerships. Cooperation with foreign colleagues allows:

Find and seize assets more effectively: joint investigations, intelligence sharing, use of international legal instruments.

Accelerate asset recovery procedures: simplification of extradition procedures, mutual recognition of court decisions.

Increase international pressure on corrupt officials: joint sanctions, public campaigns.

It is also about increasing transparency and accountability in the work of the National Agency, as well as selecting the best international practices to build a highly effective model of fandi and management asset that will meet the requirements of the time and the needs of the country.

Only in the last five months of ARMA's work, international interdepartmental agreements on Finding and management asset were signed with:

Asset Recovery Bureau (Republic of Malta)

Recovered Asset Management Company Limited Liability Parnership (Republic of Kazakhstan)

National Anti-Corruption Center (Republic of Moldova)

National Agency for the Management of Seized Assets (Romania)

Seized Property Management Agency of the Federation (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina).

In addition, the same projects of interdepartmental agreements are currently being processed with France, Denmark, Estonia, Albania, Italy, Croatia, North Macedonia, Belgium and Finland. 

In addition, draft agreements on cooperation were sent to 12 countries. Among them: Great Britain, Canada, Germany, USA and Japan.

"All these agreements are a logical continuation and component of about two dozen interstate security agreements signed by the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, with our partners within the framework of the declaration of support for Ukraine," says Deputy Head of ARMA for European Integration Grigol Katamadze.

He also added that, at the same time, ARMA is already cooperating with a number of well-known international organizations regarding the  for finding, tracing and management of assets. The agency is one of the most active participants in international interaction within the framework of the Camden Asset Recovery Inter-agency Network (CARIN) and in 2023 received the status of a member of the BAMIN Supervisory Board.

"The international cooperation of ARMA is not just words, it is concrete actions aimed at protecting the interests of the State, as well as an investment in the future of our country, which allows us to return illegally withdrawn funds and use them for the development of the economy and the social sphere", Grigol Katamadze emphasized.