In October 2024, the Asset Recovery and Management Agency (ARMA) announced a tender to select a manager for the Gulliver shopping and entertainment center, which was transferred to the National Agency by a court decision. The tender is being held through the Prozorro public procurement system.
Starting from November 13, the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine began to receive complaints about the procedure of the tender. Currently, complaints have been filed with the AMCU regarding the terms of the tender documentation, in particular the qualification criteria for the tender participants. Among the issues disputed by the applicants are the requirements to the material and technical base, employees with relevant qualifications and experience, availability of the relevant NACEs in the company, etc.
The National Agency believes that these complaints are aimed at deliberately delaying the tender for the selection of the manager of the Gulliver shopping center. After all, the tender documentation for the competitive selection of managers was approved taking into account all qualification criteria, ensures the protection of economic competition and complies with the provisions of the Law “On Public Procurement”.
Earlier, the AMCU Commission for Review of Complaints on Violations of Public Procurement Law found no violations by ARMA and left the appeal of one of the companies regarding the allegedly discriminatory terms of the tender documentation without consideration.
Usually, such methods of delaying the process of transferring an asset into management are used by asset owners themselves to prevent the transfer of seized property into management. The Agency will definitely check applicants for involvement with the owner of the seized asset. Such actions are harmful to the public interest, as delaying the process of selecting a manager delays the process of receiving funds to the state budget, which the country needs so much during the war.
It should be noted that the auction to select a manager for the «Gulliver» shopping center will take place within the timeframe stipulated by the Law on Public Procurement. ARMA will do everything possible to ensure that the state receives funds from the management of this seized asset.