With the assistance of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine (EUACI), on May 14, the meeting of the Head of ARMA Anton Yanchuk with representatives of diplomatic missions of the EU Member States was held.
During the meeting, A.Yanchuk presented the Agency's Activity Report for 2018, introduced methodological recommendations "Guidance for the management of seized property", prepared by the Agency in 2018, and outlined the plans for 2019.
According to the Head of the Agency, in 2019 ARMA plans to launch the Unified State Register of Assets, subject to seizure in criminal proceedings, to open six interregional territorial offices, to submit amendments to the Special Law, and to strengthen the legislation on finding, tracing and management of assets.
"Among ARMA's long-term plans is the introduction of a pre-seizure planning mechanism, the development of a national strategy for recovery of assets", – said Anton Yanchuk.
In an opening speech, the Head of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine, Eka Tkeshelashvili, emphasized on ARMA's initiative to hold a meeting of such format and desire to share information on the achievements of ARMA in such a short, but very interesting and tense period for ARMA since its creation.
The cooperation between ARMA and EUACI began from the first days of the work of the Agency and Head of the program expressed hope for further fruitful cooperation. As Eka Tkeshelashvili noted: "ARMA, is a recently established body, and the European Union, its programs assist the really important work of ARMA, which is carried out in cooperation with other bodies and aimed not only at combating corruption and organized crime in Ukraine, but also at the establishment of the rule of law."

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