In January 2025, the updated Unified State Register of Seized Assets will be launched. Here are the main changes that will make working with the register more convenient and transparent.
What will be new in the registry?
1. More convenient interface
- New modern design with easy navigation
- Special settings for people with visual impairments
- Quick search for the information you need
2. Expansion of functionality
- Added the ability to account for military bonds in foreign currency
- Information on restrictions on property rights based on court decisions will be available
- The orders of the Cabinet of Ministers on the transfer of strategic assets to management (in accordance with Article 21-1 in the interests of the State) will be displayed
3. Improvements for official use
- Simplified entry of data on suspects and accused persons
- Added fields for asset valuation and expert opinions
- Assets are now linked to ARMA territorial departments
4. New statistics section
- Instant access to the total number of assets
- Regular data updates
- Convenient tools for analysis
5. Advanced search
- Ability to search for assets by various parameters
- Convenient sorting of information
- Flexible filters for precise search
Such changes were necessary given that the terms of reference for the Registry were created back in 2017. This is the first such large-scale update of the Registry since its introduction. Further updates will follow, which will further improve it.
Updating the Register is an important step towards greater transparency in the management of seized assets. New technologies and improved functionality will help citizens, government agencies and businesses to work more efficiently with the registry and increase public trust in ARMA's work.
ARMA has also already launched a secure system of electronic information interaction with prosecutors and pre-trial investigation agencies for trial operation. The development of the system is envisaged by the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025 and the National Informatization Program, with the support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.

14-03-2025 News