
Seizure planning in practice: property worth more than $1.5 million transferred to ARMA's management


Thanks to the cooperation of the Southern MTU of ARMA with the Odesa Regional Prosecutor's Office, a court decision transferred to the National Agency the property of a former Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, current member of the Board of Directors of the Defense Corporation and State Advisor to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which he tried to illegally sell for 1.5 million USD.

In the course of cooperation and consultation between the Odesa Regional Prosecutor's Office and representatives of the Southern MTU, measures were taken to prepare a motion and transfer the asset to the management of the ARMA.

As a result of the court consideration of the motion by the prosecutor of the Odesa Regional Prosecutor's Office with the involvement of a representative of the territorial department, the latter was granted, and the physical evidence - an apartment with a total area of more than 1000 square meters - was transferred to the management of ARMA.

According to the investigation, a high-ranking official of the aggressor state, who actively supports russia's policy towards Ukraine and is on the sanctions list, tried to sell an elite apartment in Odesa for 1.5 million USD with the help of an intermediary.

The property was registered in the name of the sanctioned person's wife and was seized by the Kyiv District Court of Odesa in April 2024 to preserve material evidence in criminal proceedings and prevent the transfer of assets outside the country.

The coordinated actions of the National Agency and the Prosecutor's Office have once again proved to be effective. ARMA should be involved as early as possible in the development of a pre-seizure plan for assets that will be subsequently transferred to management to ensure effective preservation of their economic value and, as a result, increase the revenue received by the state.

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