Olena Duma: ARMA will initiate changes to the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine
ARMA improves the functioning of the Unified State Register of Assets Seized in Criminal Proceedings
ARMA protects not only the state's interests, but also the rights of legal owners
UAH 50 million to the state budget from ARMA: transparently through Prozorro.Sale
ARMA presented the concept of creating a new profession of Digital Detective to representatives of Ukrainian law enforcement agencies and international institutions.
Speech of the Head of ARMA, Olena Duma, during an international online meeting of Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Permanent Council
Голова АРМА Олена Дума візьме участь у "круглому столі" на тему «Необґрунтовані активи: виклики правозастосування»
The ARMA has found the property of fictitious benefactors. Among others - 350 cars
Media activity of RC Vozdvyzhenka LLC is connected with attempts to extend the duration of the management agreement